Reading & Spelling Program

Week 1: Monday

Weekly and Daily Planning (5-10 min)


  1. Review the Weekly Calendar Examples.
  2. Print one page from the Weekly Calendar Examples or print the Blank Calendar to make your own schedule.
  3. Print either the Daily To-Do or the Daily Schedule and plan your day.

Reading Fluency


  1. Watch the How-To Video below.
  2. Print out Drill 1.
    • This is your first drill.
    • You will do this reading drill every day this week.
    • By the end of the week, you will read more words per minute and make fewer mistakes.
  3. Practice Read (1-2 min)
  4. Timed Read (1 min)
  5. Chart Progress (1 min)
    • Select an appropriate chart from the Daily Chart document where your child has room for improvement with their words read per minute.

Please Note:

We start even adults with Drill 1. We start with very simple words. This drill works on:

  • Your visual discrimination skills (your ability to process the difference between letters).
  • Training your eyes to move more efficiently from left to right.
  • Speeding up your visual processing speed.

Doing this simple drill will make reading other material easier and faster over time. Your eyes will start to move more efficiently and effortlessly across a page of words. You will be able to process words and information faster. You’ll achieve results if you do this short activity for 5 minutes each day.


How-To Video

Read and Take Notes (15-20 min)

Today’s Steps:

Reading Overview Video