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Grades K-8
Scholar Within's
Scholar Within’s reading program is designed to advance your child’s reading and spelling skills. The program is brain-based, research-based, and results-proven. Each day is broken up into 4-6 short step-by-step activities for a total of 45-60 minutes.
You and your kids will see their progress each day. They will become more confident learners and develop a more positive attitude towards reading and spelling.
We use custom-designed activities and drills to actually make your brain work more efficiently. We do short, daily activities that help you process information faster.
We all learn through our senses. Visual, auditory, and tactile-kinesthetic learning are built into each activity to make your brain process information faster and more effectively.
Each activity is research-based and has been custom-designed by learning expert Bonnie Terry, M.Ed., BCET, to be the most effective for your children to improve their reading and spelling skills.
Scholar Within was founded by learning expert Bonnie Terry, M.Ed., BCET and design and technology expert Nick Terry. Bonnie Terry is a board-certified educational therapist with over 35 years of experience specializing in boosting kids’ reading, spelling, and overall learning skills. Nick Terry has been designing and building websites for 20 years for companies like Yahoo!, Facebook, Credit Karma, Box, and multiple startups.
Over the past 5 years, Nick and Bonnie have teamed up. They have made Bonnie’s holistic teaching methods approachable and intuitive for parents to be able to do at home with their kids. Bonnie’s teaching methods are brain-based, research-based, and results-driven.
Bonnie started teaching in schools, and in 1990, she opened a private tutoring center. The center quickly grew to her seeing over 70 kids per week.
Parents from all over started asking what it was that Bonnie was doing because of the tremendous results they saw. She realized that there are so many more kids that could be helped by bringing her teaching methods online. Now, parents from all over the world have used her methods and they too have seen tremendous results.
Nick has been able to take what he has learned from working with some of the world’s most influential technology companies and apply them to Bonnie’s strategies to make the programs more cohesive, intuitive, and approachable.
Scholar Within’s Co-Founder Bonnie Terry, M.Ed., BCET has been featured on...
Select a grade to learn more about each individualized summer reading skills program: