2nd Grade: Video Spelling Program
At-Home and Online Video Spelling Program – 1 Year Access (Level B)
- 1x Spelling Level B Workbook for Lessons 1-10
- 1x Spelling Level B Workbook for Lessons 11-20
- 20x Lesson Sheets
- 20x Spelling Test Sheets
- 1 Perforated Card Game
- 1 Year Unlimited Online Video Spelling Program Access
At Scholar Within, we transform the challenge of spelling into a skill that children master with confidence and enjoyment. Scholar Within’s Spelling Program is uniquely designed to turn spelling from a chore into an engaging learning experience.
Here’s how:
- Phonics & Spelling Patterns: Understanding spelling begins with mastering phonics. Our program teaches spelling by breaking down words into understandable patterns, making it easier for children to remember and apply.
- Video Lessons: Children learn through engaging video content that builds their phonemic awareness and phonics skills, helping them connect sounds to letters and patterns.
- Puzzles and Games: Reinforce learning with fun spelling puzzles and games that challenge and entertain, ensuring that spelling skills are practiced in a lively and supportive environment.
- Real-World Application: We encourage children to use their new spelling skills in daily activities, enhancing their confidence and competence in writing and reading.
Unlimited online access includes 20 weeks of lessons per level.
When you finish the 20 lessons, you can switch to the next level online and print more curriculum at home for free.
Help your child become a confident and accurate speller.
In our online spelling program, your child will learn step-by-step the structure of the English language. They’ll learn how to use the 8 spelling patterns to accurately and confidently spell tens of thousands of words.
This spelling program is research-based and is perfect for homeschoolers, grades K-8, adults that struggle with spelling, and English Language Learners (ELL).
What parents are saying

“The video spelling and phonics lessons are like having a private tutor in our home.”
– Wendy R.

“You know, we’ve tried various other spelling programs and spelling books. They just didn’t work. Your video lessons really show us exactly how we put letters together to make words. It has made such a difference for my son. I can’t thank you enough!”
– Carol K.

“This has been so far so good for my autistic son who struggles with spelling. I like that it doesn’t use boring memorization.”
– Sabrina R.
Scholar Within’s Co-founder Bonnie Terry, M.Ed., BCET has been featured on

2nd Grade Online & Offline Self-paced Spelling Curriculum
The perfect blend of video spelling lessons with offline worksheets and printables

15-30 Minutes a Day, 3 Days a Week

Sequential and Step-by-Step

Self-Paced Video Spelling Lessons and Tests

Spelling Worksheets and Puzzle Printables

Phonics and Word Attack Card Games

Help and Support
Learn How to Spell with Spelling Patterns
How it Works
Start where your child is currently spelling.
Is your child struggling with spelling? Maybe they are looking to advance faster and make spelling easier. We have different levels for grades K-8 to meet your child where they are.
Each week, you get a new list of spelling words grouped by spelling pattern.
Each week builds upon the prior week’s knowledge, sequentially. Your child will learn the structure for spelling and spelling will finally make sense.
At the beginning of each week, your child will follow along with a video spelling lesson.
Your child will fill out a corresponding spelling worksheet as they watch the video. Younger kids can use provided printable letter cards.
After the spelling lesson, your child gets to do spelling puzzles that go with the lesson.
These are printable activities like word searches, sorting your words, fill-in-the-blank, and more.
In the middle of the week, younger students do activities to work on letter and pattern recognition.
These are printable activities like completing the pattern and matching uppercase and lowercase letters. They’ll also learn to write simple sentences with provided printable word cards. These activities improve visual perception and fine motor skills.
In the middle of the week, older students do a spelling pattern recognition activity.
Your child will identify the spelling patterns that they have learned in other sentences. We provide answer keys too! They’ll also write sentences with their spelling words.
At the end of the week, your child will follow along with a video spelling test.
Your child will fill out a spelling test printable worksheet while they follow along with Bonnie Terry, M.Ed., BCET. They’ll do a pre-test exercise, followed by the test. The test is self-correcting.
Play new printable card games every couple of weeks.
Your kids can play these games at any time during the week. The games strengthen spelling skills while making learning a lot more fun!
2nd Grade Spelling Curriculum Scope and Sequence
Second-grade students will enjoy these short, quick lessons while rapidly building spelling skills.
Program Overview
- Sound to letter mapping (the Alphabetic Principle)
- Phonograms
- Vowel pattern letter combinations
- Compound words
- Suffix rules
- Silent and special letter combinations
- Study and word practice strategies
Lessons 1-4
- Vowel-Consonant Pattern: Short vowel words and blends
- Vowel-Consonant Pattern: Short vowel words and digraphs: th, sh, ch, wh
- Vowel-Consonant-Silent E Pattern: Long vowel words
- Vowel-Vowel Pattern: Words with ee, ea, oa, and ai
- Puzzles and Application Lessons
Lessons 5-8
- Vowel-Vowel Pattern: Words with oo and ea
- Vowel + R Pattern: Words like chart and teacher
- Vowel-Vowel + R Pattern: Words like poor and indoor
- Puzzles and Application Lessons
Lessons 9-12
- Vowel + R Words: Words like short and smaller
- Vowel + L Pattern and Vowel-Vowel + L Pattern: Words like sell and deal
- Vowel-Accent Pattern: Two-Syllable words like report and poem
- Vowel-Consonant Pattern: Review
- Puzzles and Application Lessons
Lessons 13-16
- Vowel + L Pattern: Review
- Vowel-Vowel Pattern: Review
- Consonant + LE Pattern: Words like circle and title
- Vowel + NG Pattern and Vowel + NG Pattern: Words like string and honk
- Vowel + W Pattern: Words like straw and grew
- The Borrowers C and G: Words like cell and age
- Puzzles and Application Lessons
Lessons 17-20
- Silent and Special Letter Combinations: gh=f, gh, kn, wr, ck
- Suffixes: s, es, ed, and ing, tion, sion
- Puzzles and Application Lessons
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Designed by Learning Expert Bonnie Terry, M.Ed., BCET
Bonnie Terry is a board-certified educational therapist with over 35 years of experience. She has custom-designed this spelling program specifically to make spelling easy.
Bonnie spent years developing this program hands-on in her private learning center. She discovered that teaching spelling with 8 simple spelling patterns in a sequential and multisensory way was the most effective method. She has now made her program available to all so that everyone can accurately and confidently spell.
Bonnie Terry has been featured on

Reviews from Parents
E Emily R.
This was a great program for my homeschooling kids this past year. They were able to learn at a steady pace and be mostly independent in their work. This is the best spelling program I have used in many years of homeschooling.
P Penny R.
This spelling program has given my 6 year old granddaughter so much confidence. She felt sad she struggled with trying to understand spelling at school, now she can’t wait to write. Thank you.
A Amanda K.
I love this program.
J Julie G.
We are so grateful for this program. The program made an incredibly positive impact on my son. He is so much more comfortable spelling, henceforth more comfortable writing as well.
My son looks forward to spelling class and is a confident speller. In one year of using this program, my son moved up 4 grades on the Standford 10 test. The program far exceeded my expectations.
Y Yuanyuan P.
My son loves the spelling program and he is making huge progress. Many thanks!
M Michael h.
Great lesson pacing which promotes consistency and familiarity with each session.
M Marissa B.
My three children have made great strides in spelling since starting the program! I’ve found the website format to be a little challenging at times, but I still highly recommend! Customer service has been top notch.
J Jennifer B.
I homeschool my 10 year old twins and we have not traditionally had a strong spelling curriculum mainly because they learned to read in a school program and we began homeschooling at 2nd grade. I was really concerned that they were behind in spelling. We were able to sign up for this program so easily. My kids, who do not work on computers really at all yet were able to easily navigate the program on their own after the first lesson. They love the various exercises offered. I appreciate that the curriculum matches up well with some components of the curriculum they encounter with homeschooling with Classical Conversations Essentials of the English Language. Orton-Gillingham based theory is so reliable and successful and the kids enjoy the exercises and autonomy of working through the lessons. Thank you for this great program and for restoring my confidence that we can tackle spelling the right way at home!
C Carol K.
You know, we’ve tried various other spelling programs and spelling books. They just didn’t work. Your video lessons really show us exactly how we put letters together to make words. It has made such a difference for my son. I can’t thank you enough!
N Nastassia N.
Started 3/10/2021. My daughter’s spelling is improving already. Before the program, she received 5 wrong out of 13 for a pop spelling quiz. She received the actual quiz with those same words and a few more and got all correct. Of course her teacher was excited and gave her a prize. She was the only student to get them all correct. She received another pop spelling quiz today and got 16 correct out of 20. Your method is working. I am a very happy mom. Wish I could attach photos to prove….. so amazing. Parents, do not hesitate to try. Thanks a million for this wonderful program. Hope to purchase the reading program to get her way ahead.
L Lynn F.
This is a simple approach to teaching children to be able to spell any word by using 8 basic spelling patterns. I like the fact that I can use it with all my children who are of writing and spelling age. It does start off very easy, as it is sequential. My third-grader and eighth-grader easily learned the patterns and liked the spelling puzzle worksheets. Spelling time became easy and fun!
S Suzy U.
I never knew spelling could be so easy. I always thought there were so many words that didn’t fit the ‘rule’. Now I understand the structure of our words. It is so easy. Why didn’t anyone ever tell me that before. Your program makes it so easy for my kids, and I’m learning, too!
A Anne B.
My son knows the patterns. He spells very well now. I’m very impressed with the strides he’s made in spelling.
C Cliff W.
I got the spelling program for myself. Spelling has always been hard for me. I’ve tried many different spelling programs over the years. This one worked. Spelling is much easier now. I no longer make the spelling mistakes I have been famous for. What a difference this has made in my life. I actually understand spelling. Thanks, Bonnie!
L Lipa S.
I am an adult student. I was really hoping to finally master spelling. I just wanted you to know that my spelling is getting better by the day. Thanks so much!
M Marcia B.
I’m an elementary reading teacher with 30 years of experience. Scholar Within’s Spelling Program makes clear on a step-by-step basis how we put letters together to make words. For the first time, my students see the 8 spelling patterns. The kids see the patterns with all of their words. It doesn’t take them long to become proficient at it. It just takes a few days of using the program and my students’ spelling improves.
A Ann E.
I’m a veteran teacher, but new to first grade this year. Your clear explanations have really helped, as well as the technique you are using!
S Shelly B.
Once we started working with your spelling system, the difference was incredible. It made such a difference in my daughter’s life. Your system gave me an actual step-by-step way to help her. My daughter now spells without difficulty. Thank you.
W Wendy R.
We enrolled in the spelling program because my son couldn’t spell even simple words. Lo and behold, he can spell them and a lot more now. He ‘gets’ how we put letters together to make words. And, thankfully, he doesn’t have to memorize 30 spelling rules! The video and audio lessons are like having a private tutor in our home.
H Heidi P.
Spelling is much easier for my son. If your student is having trouble with the spelling rules, focusing on the eight spelling patterns may be just what they need to get them over the hurdle.
R Regina A.
The spelling videos showed us step-by-step the structure. You really made spelling easy for my kids. The way you explain it, it really sinks in. Your materials help build my kids’ self-esteem up. They’re short quick activities. We love playing the games, too. Thanks again for your program!
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